To be honest, up until about a year ago, I didn’t think too much about water. I knew it was important, but I had never been taught how much water I was supposed to be drinking every day. I never thought twice about the quality of the water I was drinking. I used tap water that was filtered through my fridge, just like I did growing up. I bought plastic bottled water to take with me on the go.
Wow, how much I have changed. One of my favorite sayings is “when you know better, do better.”
Drinking Water Benefits
Water is involved in every system of our bodies. We are made up of 75% water. Did you know, research shows that only 25% of Americans are properly hydrated.
I know we all want a healthy immune system right now. Water operates our immune system. Modest dehydration decreases our levels of germ fighting proteins in our saliva. I was surprised to learn that having a dry mouth and feeling thirsty is a later sign of cellular dehydration.
How Much Water Should you Drink Daily?
According to one of my favorite health gurus, Darin Olien, you need to drink at least one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight. He recommends to drink somewhere between three to four liters of water daily.
I drink a gallon of water every day, which is 3.785 liters. I have gallon water jugs that I use and that’s how I know that I’m getting enough water every day. You will feel a difference right away when you start drinking enough water. If you feel tired all the time, have headaches, or low energy, try to start keeping track of how much water you drink. I put a glass of water on my nightstand every night and drink a big glass of water even before getting out of bed. I also make sure my kids have a big cup of water first thing in the morning before eating breakfast.
Why you Should Avoid Drinking Out of Plastic
Now for the fun part. What kind of water are you drinking? Hopefully it’s not out of plastic bottles or the big plastic jugs that get delivered to your house every month. What has happened to that water since leaving the spring and being stored in a plastic container? How long does that water sit in the heat before getting to you? Days? Weeks? How much heat was that water exposed to? The problem is we don’t know. What we do know is that when plastic bottles come in contact with heat, it releases toxic chemicals that mix with the water. I try to do my best to avoid plastic; its not always possible, but being aware is the first step.
Drinking Water Testing
If you are drinking your tap water through a filter, like I was, I encourage you to test your water. I bought a TDS meter off Amazon for under $15. I tested my tap water straight from the tap and found that my tap water 369 ppm TDS. I then tested my water after going through my fridge filter and was shocked that it was still very high. According to Darin Olien you want your water between 0-15 PPM TDS. Some of the contaminants found in our water supply can be heavy metals, fluoride, chloride, pesticides, pharmacological compounds, endocrine disruptors, PFAS.
Which Drinking Water is Best?
I was so relieved to find a solution that could work for me. I had already done a little research on reverse osmosis and the units they sell for under the sink. I kept coming across information that said bacteria can easily grow inside the tanks under the sink and contaminate the water. I then came across a podcast and learned about a countertop reverse osmosis system. I learned that this was one of the most effective ways to remove the harmful chemicals from my drinking water.
I want to dedicate a whole blog post to this amazing product. But if you are like me, and as soon as you learn something new that could be having this big of an impact on your health, you need to know more ASAP. The product I’m going to be sharing about is called the AquaTru reverse osmosis countertop system.
Remember when our drinking water is compromised, so is our health.
If you are interested in purchasing the AquaTru Water system feel free to use my link or code STAYGROUNDED.
Thanks for reading. Sending you lots of love and healing.
