Hopefully my last post on water made you curious about your own drinking water. You may have already ordered your TDS meter off Amazon and have been shocked by the results. I know that’s how I felt. Let’s talk about the solution. The countertop reverse osmosis system called AquaTru.
I have had mine for almost a year and absolutely love it. This is what my whole family drinks from and cooks with.
Remember our water supplies are often heavily contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, chloride, fluoride, pharmacological compounds (from people flushing medications down the toilet), endocrine disruptors and PFAs. The most effective way to remove these harmful chemicals are with granular activated carbon filters and reverse osmosis.
Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System
The AquaTru uses three different filters.
- The first filter has a yellow sticker and is labeled 1-2.
2. Part of the filter is an advanced sediment pre filter that removes sediment, bacterial remains, and organisms that survived chemical disinfection. The other part of the first filter is called activated carbon prefilter. This removes 99% of chemical disinfectants, chlorine, and chloramines. This filter needs to be changed every 6 months .The second one is a high efficiency reverse osmosis filter. It is labeled number 3. This filter removes toxic inorganic contaminants, such as lead, chromium, arsenic and radium. This filter lasts a long time, approximately two years.
3. The final one is an activated carbon VOC filter. It is labeled number 4. It removes chemical contaminants like petrochemicals, PFAs, pesticides, and pharmaceutical residue. This filter lasts one full year.
I wanted to give you this much information about the filters, because it will be a great resource for you to come back to and review after you buy your AquaTru and serves as a reminder about the filters. I remember feeling a little confused about the different filters.
Reverse Osmosis Remineralization
It’s very important to re-mineralize our filtered water. Reverse osmosis removes everything from the water, the contaminants as well as the minerals. If we don’t remineralize our filtered water, our bodies will give up minerals to balance the body, which can lead to deficiencies. Luckily re-mineralizing your water is super easy.
You can use gray Celtic Sea Salt or unrefined Himalayan crystal salt. I use the gray Celtic Sea salt because I heard water master, Robert Slovak, recommend it over the Himalayan crystal salt.
To ensure I’m getting all my minerals. I take Quinton isotonic seawater every morning. This isotonic solution contains 78 minerals. It is harvested from vortex plankton blooms in the ocean and can quickly restore your body’s biological terrain. It also helps support our immune system, balances the autonomic nervous system, (I’ve noticed it’s very calming), supports healthy circadian rhythms, and supports our body’s detox process. If you’re interested in learning more about these minerals, I would encourage you to listen to this episode by one of my favorite podcasters, Luke Storey. Check out his Podcast number #313.
Start becoming aware of the amount of water you’re drinking and the type and quality of water you’re drinking. I drink a gallon of water every day. Before I go to bed, I put a full glass of water on my nightstand. As soon as I get up, I drink that glass of water and then take my Quinton seawater. I felt a big shift right away and I hope you do too.
If you are interested in purchasing this incredible water system feel free to use my link or code STAYGROUNDED.
Thanks for reading. Sending you lots of love and healing.
